The effect of mud treatment from Heviz Lake on some joints and movements of horses
mud treatment, horses, walk, trot, flexibility of jointsAbstract
The main goal of our research was to investigate how a mud treatment from Heviz Lake affects the movement quality and flexibility of some horse joints. In order to answer this question an experiment was carried out on 10 male and female school and sport horses. All of the horses had been ridden for min. 3 years and have correct movement. Horses were treated with mud ten times, twice daily in the evenings. Wet sludge was blamed on the knee, hock, elbow, shoulder, back, stifle, front and hind cannons and fetlock joints. The sludge was washed off in the morning. Before and after the experiment and 8 weeks following, the average stride length and the longest distance between the spot of hind and front foot during walking and trotting, maximal flexibility of knee, hock and fetlock joints were measured. To calculate the number of steps horses were leading straight during walking and trotting on 30 m flat distance. Following this the stride length was determined. To determine the longest distance between the spot of hind and front foot on flat, sandy soil, the distance between hind and front spots was measured three times and the highest result was noticed. The maximal flexibility of each joint was measured with a joint protractor. Statistical analysis was carried out with one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with SPSS 7.0 program.
According to the results, the horses responded positively to the treatments. The most positive results were detected by the maximal flexibility of the front fetlock, knee and hock. The stride length and longest distance between the spot of hind and front foot were lower but positively influenced by the mud treatment. The positive effects of the treatment were also detected 8 weeks after the experiment, so the effects seems to be durable.
Our results show, that the mud treatment from Heviz Lake has a positive and durable effect on the joints and movement,therefore can play an important role in health preservation of horses. To determine the length of some sludge cures and the other positive effects of the mud from Heviz Lake, we have to carry out extensive additional research.
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Copyright (c) 2014 Bartos Ádám, Bányai Adél, Mándó Zsuzsanna

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