Giant reed, as a forage alternative
giant reed, Arundo donax, forage, cattleAbstract
The aim of this study was to gain a broad knowledge of giant reed (Arundo donax L.), including the possibilities of its use as fodder. Giant reed is a perennial, herbaceous grass. It is globally planted and used for bioethanol, biogas and biomass production, but it is also commonly used in furniture and construction industries. The giant reed can be an excellent alternative as silage fodder, but its domestic use has not been sufficiently developed yet and requires further testing and research. Our aim in this research was to get a scientific proof on the feed ability, utility of this new forage and its possible role in the feed base. Plants at different stage of growth were harvested, ensiled and fed to cattle. The results of the study led to several practical conclusions. Based on the results obtained from samples harvested at different phenological stages, it can be concluded that harvesting at heights above 180 cm should be avoided. Another finding is that, in case of giant reed silage, determination of crude fibre by chemical analysis can replace the measurement of NDF where its measurement is not possible. Cell wall effect shows a classic trend in giant reed. The Hungarian results match the results of studies carried out in the Azores, which have produced similar results regarding dry matter content and organic matter digestibility. In case of the model silage, fermentation parameters were appropriate. In addition, on-farm harvesting and test feeding with heifers confirmed that harvesting of giant reed was feasible and animals were willing to consume the giant reed silage and did not reject it from the TMR. Based on all these findings, it can be concluded that giant reed has the potential to complement the domestic feed base as a fermentable forage. Its nutritive values meet the requirements of growing and beef cattle, and our country is suitable for its cultivation.
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