Mesuring the Soft Factors of the Organizational Success


  • Erdélyi Tea Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem, Gazdasági- és Regionális Tudományi Doktori Iskola



firm behaviour: theory, human resources, human development, NGOs, aggregate human capital, personnel management


One of the underlying assumptions of our research on the success of small size, flat NGOs is that the human resources and leadership of the organization are a significant soft determinant of organizational success. However, it can be difficult to measure these factors on a quantitative way, in practical research work. There is therefore a need to broaden the perspective, to put human resources and organisational leadership into a broader perspective, to help in the sample selection of the planned research and to operationalise the research questions. This paper attempts to do so.

During exploring the soft factors of organisational success, we can soon conclude that human resource management and leadership can be understood as organisational responses to the labour market and the human capital available in it, i.e. to the factors of production. And all these factors are undergoing significant change today as a result of Industry 4.0. This study starts from a microeconomic definition of the labour market and human capital, then moves on to the relationship between social capital and success through the interrelationship between organisational behaviour and organisational structure. In addition to an overview of conceptual frameworks and changes, the focus is on the interrelationships between concepts. Along these interrelationships, we will describe those points which can define the sample selection and research questions of planned further research.

Author Biography

  • Erdélyi Tea, Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem, Gazdasági- és Regionális Tudományi Doktori Iskola

    Erdélyi Tea
    ORCID: 0000-0003-3553-6318
    PhD student
    Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem, Gazdasági- és Regionális Tudományi Doktori Iskola


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How to Cite

Mesuring the Soft Factors of the Organizational Success. (2024). Acta Carolus Robertus, 14(1), 47-64.

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