The Development Of Rural Tourism In The Municipality Of Orăștioara De Sus, Hunedora County
rural tourism, Orăştioara de Sus, rural development, tourist projects, resourcesAbsztrakt
The development of rural communities is a process in which the community is actively involved, with the aim of mobilizing all initiatives to capitalize on its own resources for the social and economic benefit of the community. The authors of this paper propose an analysis of the existing resources on the territory of the Orăştiora de Sus commune, Hunedoara county. In this study, both types of tourism presented above are demonstrated in the commune of Orăştioara de Sus. Rural tourism can be carried out strictly through the involvement of the community in this field, and agritourism can include services carried out by the inhabitants of the area where the authorities are involved in cultural tourism and mountain sports. The methodology used in the research consists of the collection and processing of statistical data, graphic interpretation, as well as the analysis and synthesis of information regarding the development of the rural area from the specialized literature in the field. After completing a SWOT analysis, the authors determine the main directions the locality should go in terms of development.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Camelia Manescu, Nicoleta Mateoc-Sîrb, Tabita Adamov , Teodor Mateoc , Hunor Vass

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