Factors affecting entrepreneurial intention and entrepreneurial attitudes among rural Tunisian women


  • Maayoufi Dorsaf Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Science Doctoral School of Economics and Regional Sciences
  • Péli László Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Science, Institute of Rural Develeopment and Sustainable Economy
  • Áldorfainé Czabadai Lilla Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Science, Institute of Rural Develeopment and Sustainable Economyyetem




Tunisia, rural women, enterpreneurial intentions


Entrepreneurship is strongly affected by the intentions and attitude of an entrepreneur. Women entrepreneurs are the most important elements of success in all communities, but they are most often neglected by society which leads to a different attitude and intention of women towards entrepreneurship as compared to men. Both societal and familial factors are responsible for the development of the entrepreneurial attitude and intentions of an individual. Tunisian society is more rigid towards women’s entrepreneurship due to the presence of patriarchal nature which causes a lower interest of women in business activities. This review provides insight into the factors responsible for the attenuation of entrepreneurial attitude (EA) and entrepreneurial intentions (EI) among rural women of Tunisia. We reviewed previous literature for this cause and tried to identify the most prominent effects of societal, cultural and familial factors affecting the EA and EI of women residing in rural Tunisia. Results from the data yield some factors which had a direct or indirect influence on the EA and EI of rural Tunisian women which included social capital, family support (Husband and parents), entrepreneurial education, entrepreneurial training, regional context (Culture), self-efficacy, pull factor, an emotional factor, lack of managerial skills, risk-taking, role model (Parental and organizational) and reference groups.

Szerző életrajzok

  • Maayoufi Dorsaf, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Science Doctoral School of Economics and Regional Sciences

    ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1424-9953

  • Péli László, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Science, Institute of Rural Develeopment and Sustainable Economy

    Dr. László Péli
    ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8312-5516
    Egyetemi docens

  • Áldorfainé Czabadai Lilla, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Science, Institute of Rural Develeopment and Sustainable Economyyetem

    Lilla Áldorfainé Czabadai
    assistant professor
    levelező szerző


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