Reformation of online agricultural consultancy with benchmarking and datamining methods


  • András Sápi
  • Tamás Bures
  • Miklós Palatinus
  • Viktor Varga
  • László Pitlik


expert system, consultancy, benchmarking, OLAP


„Automatic driving, precision farming, angular offset compensation, automatic vaporizer”, these definitions are only several of those automation – serving activities that are available even today. What can be said about the immaterial services on that field? How much would farmers appreciate a „robot consultant” working online? Following this stream of thought, our goals is to create an online consultancy system which gives advices to the farmers about the expected future situation of their farms, and detects possible bankruptcy – situations based on certain financial, accounting and economic indicators. Furthermore, our goals is the partial reformation of the consultancy system, which allows the replacement of human consultants with online „robot” consultants, which would be a new option besides the personal consultations. The FADN, which is collected annually, can be considered as a data asset, upon which a datadriven analysis-package can be built. In order to ease data management, an OLAP (On-line Analytical Processing) interface have been developed, which has a special autofilter function that makes queries more effective. Among partial automation processes, content analysis OLAP add-ins and benchmarking procedures that are based on similarity analysis can be noted.



How to Cite

Reformation of online agricultural consultancy with benchmarking and datamining methods. (2010). ACTA AGRARIA KAPOSVARIENSIS, 14(3), 137-145.