Improving of reproductive performance of rabbit does in small and medium scale rabbit farms. Recommendations for developing countries


  • Zsolt Szendrő


doe rabbits, management, breeds, reproduction, developing countries


The paper focuses on factors which can be utilized in small and medium scale rabbit farms in the developing countries. Management of rabbit does starts from their birth. The best selection strategy is to choose females from large litters with medium or high birth weight where the number of teats are 10. Selected kits should be nursed in medium or small litters in order to provide them adequate milk supply. After weaning (or from 10-11 weeks of age), application of restricted feeding regime or using pellet with higher fibre content is suggested to avoid their forced growth. In this case the first breeding can be delayed until an older age accompanied with a better maturity of the does. Before the first mating sexual receptivity can be increased with flushing (ad libitum feeding of pellet with high energy, protein etc.). Using double mating (either with the same or with two different bucks) the fertility will be higher. In the primiparous does, the number of kits per litter has to be limited and a delayed remating is advantageous to avoid the negative body energy balance (loosing too much fat deposit). Remating (reproductive rhytm) of the multiparous does depends on their feeding level. Applying controlled and free nursing for the primiparous and multiparous does, respectively the mortality of their kits can be reduced. Changing the free nursing of lactating does 2-3 days prior to mating to controlled nursing the receptivity, fertility and litter size can be increased. Crossing different breeds results some heterosis effects on reproductive traits (fertility, litter size, milk production, kit mortality). Increasing the daily illumination 7-8 days before mating (insemination) both receptivity and fertility can be increased. The optimal environmental temperature for rabbit does is 16-18°C. Using different cooling systems or preventing the does from heat accumulation is advantageous avoiding low production level.




How to Cite

Improving of reproductive performance of rabbit does in small and medium scale rabbit farms. Recommendations for developing countries. (2008). ACTA AGRARIA KAPOSVARIENSIS, 12(1), 1-23.