Estimation of fat depth of rump (P8) by real-time ultrasound machine in Charolais, Holstein Friesian and Hungarian Simmental young bulls


  • János Tőzsér
  • Zoltán Domokos
  • Gabriella Holló
  • István Holló
  • Márton Bujdosó
  • Gabriella Andrássyné Baka
  • Matt L. Wolcott


real-time ultrasound, measurement of P8 (depth of rump subcutaneous fat), Charolais, Holstein Friesian and Hungarian Simmental bulls


Authors’ aim was to test Falco100 (Pie Medical, 3.5 MHz head) ultrasound equipment for measuring the P8 (fat depth of rump) in Charolais, Holstein-Friesian and Hungarian Simmental young bulls. First research was carried out in 2004 in a Hungarian farm, with two groups of Charolais sire candidates (1st group: horned, n=13 and 2nd group: polled, n=23) at the end of performance test. The second research was carried out at the Experimental Farm of the University of Kaposvár, in year 2004, with two groups of fattening bulls (1st group: Holstein Friesian, n=13 and 2nd group: Hungarian Simmental, n=11). Bulls were kept on deep litter, in small groups, and fed on corn silage, hay and concentrate in both cases. Subcutaneous rump fat thickness (P8) was measured by Falco 100 with real time ultrasound equipment. Results of one-sample t-test showed that there was no significant difference between polled and horned groups of Charolais bulls in P8 (0.46 cm, and 0.47 cm). We observed similar values of P8 by the 2nd experiment in both breeds (Holstein Friesian: 0.46, Hungarian Simmental: 0.47 cm). Medium, and close correlation (r=0.42-0.75, P<0.05) were calculated between P8 and live weight in the two experiments. Based on their results, authors propose the involvement of P8 ultrasonic measurements into the selection system of beef sire candidates. Measurement of P8 gives additional information about fattening intensity of cattle.



How to Cite

Estimation of fat depth of rump (P8) by real-time ultrasound machine in Charolais, Holstein Friesian and Hungarian Simmental young bulls. (2005). ACTA AGRARIA KAPOSVARIENSIS, 9(2), 1-11.

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