Automatic method for determining the number of lumbar and thoracic vertebrae in rabbits using Computer Tomography images

Methodological study


  • Csóka Ádám Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem (MATE), Medicopus Nonprofit Kft.
  • Petneházy Örs Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem, Medicopus Nonprofit Ltd.
  • Fajtai Dániel Medicopus Nonprofit Ltd.
  • Máté Sándor Hycole Kft.
  • Orsi-Gibicsár Szilvia Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem
  • Donkó Tamás Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem, Medicopus Nonprofit Ltd.



computed tomography, rabbit, vertebra number, automated evaluation


There are several studies dealing with the phenotypic variance of the vertebral number in the spinal column of rabbits. According to the literature the number of thoracic and lumbar vertebrae varies between 11-13 and 6-8, respectively. The length of the m. longissimus dorsi (MLD) - a valuable meat part of rabbits - is determined by the length of the vertebral column therefore the number of vertebrae may have economic importance in breeding. The aim of this study was to create an automatic counter using computed tomography (CT) images. In the first step, a skeleton binary mask was created using the radiodensity range between 120 and 3071 HU, then the lumbar and thoracic regions were processed by two different methods. The lumbar part was evaluated based on the frequency of the bone voxels along the axial plane. The number of thoracic vertebrae was determined from the number of ribs. The left and right ribs were processed separately. The developed method was tested on CT examination of 40 Hycole rabbits compared to manual evaluation. The results of the automatic algorithm had few errors: in one case in the lumbar region (2.5%) and in 3 cases in the thoracic region (5%). The automated evaluation process takes a few seconds per individual and then the program visualizes the results on a graph. The incorrectly evaluated rabbits are recognizable on graphs and they can be easily corrected with a minimal time investment.

Információk a szerzőről

  • Csóka Ádám, Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem (MATE), Medicopus Nonprofit Kft.

    Levelező szerző
    7400 Kaposvár, Guba Sándor u. 40.,



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Hogyan kell idézni

Csóka, Ádám, Petneházy, Örs, Fajtai, D., Sándor, M., Orsi-Gibicsár, S., & Donkó, T. (2021). Automatic method for determining the number of lumbar and thoracic vertebrae in rabbits using Computer Tomography images: Methodological study. Acta Agraria Kaposváriensis, 25(2), 41-51.

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