The effect of a second grazing period on carcass traits of indigenous Cika and Simmental young bulls


  • Mojca Simčič
  • Marko Čepon
  • Silvester Žgur


Cika, Simmental, young bulls, second grazing period, carcass traits


Carcass quality of Cika (20) and Simmental (19) young bulls either semi-intensively fattened indoors or ï¬nished indoors after a previous (second) grazing period was studied. There was no difference between breeds for carcass weight, dressing percentage, EUROP conformation, carcass length as well as the proportion of fore-stomachs and head. Only, fatness score and pelvic/kidney fat percentage were higher in Cika bulls compared to Simmental, while chest depth was higher in Simmental bulls. Bulls which have been finished indoors after a previous grazing period had significantly lighter carcasses, lower dressing percentage, lower EUROP conformation and fatness score but higher empty reticulo-rumen percentage compared to bulls fattened indoors. Breed x fattening technology interaction was significant for carcass weight, conformation, fatness, chest depth and empty reticulo-rumen, while slaughter weight affected only carcass weight, conformation and carcass length. The difference in the lean meat percentage between Cika and Simmental bulls was not significant. Cika bulls expressed higher fat and lower bone percentage compared to Simmental bulls. However, fattening technology did not affect the tissue percentages in the carcasses. Cika young bulls had more red and more yellow beef compared to Simmental. Bulls fattened indoors had slightly darker beef than bulls finished indoors after a second grazing period. However, carcass traits of Cika bulls were similar to those of Simmental bulls and a second grazing period could be efficiently set up in the growing-fattening scheme.




Folyóirat szám


Section 2: Cattle breeding

Hogyan kell idézni

Simčič, M., Čepon, M., & Žgur, S. (2014). The effect of a second grazing period on carcass traits of indigenous Cika and Simmental young bulls. Acta Agraria Kaposváriensis, 18(1), 63-68.

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