Effect of different ratio of rapeseed cake in feed on production of hens and fatty acids content of egg yolks


  • Zlatko Janječić
  • Stjepan Mužic
  • Jasna Pintar
  • Dalibo Bedeković
  • Marija Đikić


rape seed oil-cake, laying hens, production, fatty acid, eggs


The main goal of this research was to establish the influence of 8% (PN-8) and 16% (PN-16) rapeseed cake in feed mixture on production of hens and fatty acids content of eggs yolk. 90 hens of Hrvatica strain have been used in period of 24th to 32th weeks of egg production. Hens have been sorted out in 30 cages, 3 of them in each cage. Hens from group PN-16 laid significantly (P<0.05) lighter eggs and had highest consumption of feed mixture/kg of eggs. The nutrition treatment had not clearly negative effect on average egg production during the investigation. The mortality of 10% in group PN-16 and 6.67% in group PN-8, points to the possible negative impact of rapeseed cakes on the health of hens. Feeding hens the diet with rapeseed cake decreased (P<0.05) SFA, increased PUFA n-3 and PUFA n-6 content of egg yolks and had positive effect (P<0.05) on PUFA n-6/PUFA n-3 ratio. Taking into consideration above mentioned, it can be concluded that the rapeseed cake can be recommended to be used in the portion of 8 % in feed mixture for Hrvatica laying hens.




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Hogyan kell idézni

Janječić, Z., Mužic, S., Pintar, J., Bedeković, D., & Đikić, M. (2010). Effect of different ratio of rapeseed cake in feed on production of hens and fatty acids content of egg yolks. Acta Agraria Kaposváriensis, 14(2), 285-288. https://journal.uni-mate.hu/index.php/aak/article/view/2021

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