Fatty acid composition of tissues of Turopolje hogs and crossbreeds


  • Marija Dikić
  • Ivan Jurić
  • Stjepan Mužic


Turopolje pig breed, crossbred, fatty acid, muscle and fat tissue


Purpose of this research is to investigate the proportion and composition of intramuscular fat (IMF) in MLD and fat in backfat (BF) by analyzing saturated (SFA), monounsaturated (MUFA) and polysaturated (PUFA) fatty acids at hogs of Turopolje breed (T) and crossbreeds CLT (♀CL modern genotype x♂T). The pigs were produced in the outdoor system of the forest biocoenosis (Quercus robur, Fraxinus excelsior and Fagus silvatica) and marsh meadows (Deschamsietum caespitosa) in Turopolje region, which is a part of Lonjsko polje, a world known Croatian nature park. Modified traditional Croatian technology of low input of feed in ecosystem (0.5 kg of corn seed/animal/day) was implemented in the extensive management. Slaughter weight and cold carcass weight for T (86.5 kg and 69.5 kg) and CLT (126 kg and 106.1 kg) was analyzed on the slaughtering line. Sample of MLD and belonging BF were taken from the left side for fatty acid analyses. IMF in MLD and fat in fat tissue was analyzed by the Soxlet method. Fatty acids were analyzed by gas chromatography (ISO 5505/1990 method). Share of IMF in MLD in T and CLT groups of fattened pigs was 3.03% and 3.96%, respectively, while fat in BF was 92.98% and 90.8%. Following proportions of fatty acids were established for IMF in MLD and fat in BF:SFA 39.68% and 37.05%; MUFA 54.84% and 50.7% and PUFA 5.67% and 12.18%, respectively. Quality of IMF in MLD, when analyzed through UFA:SFA ratio, in both research groups was satisfactory from the aspect of human nutrition. Established values of C 18:2 and Cl 8:3 in IMF of MLD and fat in BF for T group were 5.46% and 0.21%; and 11.4% and 0.78%, respectively. For CLT group these values were 6.4% and 0.48%; and 10.03% and 0.88%, respectively.




Hogyan kell idézni

Dikić, M., Jurić, I., & Mužic, S. (2002). Fatty acid composition of tissues of Turopolje hogs and crossbreeds. Acta Agraria Kaposváriensis, 6(2), 99-105. https://journal.uni-mate.hu/index.php/aak/article/view/1649

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