Effect of age and event on post exercise values of blood biochemical parameters in show jumping horses


  • Anikó Vincze
  • Csaba Szabó
  • Ákos Hevesi
  • Sándor Veres
  • Dániel Ãœtő
  • László Babinszky


show jumping, horse, training, fitness


Fitness is a certain metabolic status – as a result of training – which makes the equine athletes capable of good results in sport. Assess the fitness status in field conditions is therefore very important. Rather limited information is available on low class show jumpers, therefore the aim of this trial was study the effect of age and event on the biochemical blood parameters. During the winter indoor competition tournament (from October to February) blood samples were collected right after the first class of the last day of the event from all together thirty show jumpers (five, six and seven years old horses, five randomly selected horse from each year category at the first and at the last competition of the tournament). From the blood samples taken from the jugularis vein the plasma were separated and the lactate, LDH, CK, AST, glucose, cholesterol, triglyceride, total billirubin and cortisol level were measured for evaluating the training status of the horses. Five year old horses had significantly lower lactate level compared to six and seven year old horses. At the end of the tournament horses had lower glucose and higher cortisol level in the plasma right after show jumping class. It can be concluded, that show jumping competitions on up to 100 cm height and a minimum of 300 m/min average speed do not involve substantial anaerobic energy supply. The frequent stress situation can elevate the cortisol response given. Multivariate methods applied on several post exercise blood parameter can be useful to detect slight differences in fitness.




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Section 4 Buffalo, Horse and Sheep Breeding

Hogyan kell idézni

Vincze, A., Szabó, C., Hevesi, Ákos, Veres, S., Ãœtő, D., & Babinszky, L. (2010). Effect of age and event on post exercise values of blood biochemical parameters in show jumping horses. Acta Agraria Kaposváriensis, 14(2), 185-191. https://journal.uni-mate.hu/index.php/aak/article/view/1998

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