The influence of different types of beehives (made of different material) and of the origin of Queens on the development of diseases


  • Zvonimir Tucak
  • Marin Petričević


beehive types, origin of Queens, diseases


Our investigation was aimed at determining the extent to which different types of beehives: Langstroth-Root (LR), Dadant-Blatt (DB) and Albert-Žnideršić (AB), made of different material (poplar-tree, lime-tree, fir-tree), with queens of different origin (natural and selected), influence the development of diseases in the hives. All bees used in the investigation belong to the European bee species Apis mellifera carnica. Research results indicate the interplay of all the factors (different types of hives, origin of Queens, and type of wood used for the hive) in the development of diseases in the hives.




Folyóirat szám


Section 5 Rabbit Breeding and Bee-Keeping

Hogyan kell idézni

Tucak, Z., & Petričević, M. (2006). The influence of different types of beehives (made of different material) and of the origin of Queens on the development of diseases. Acta Agraria Kaposváriensis, 10(2), 251-254.

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