Green(?) muster


  • Balázs Almási Corvinus University of Budapest, Department for Garden and Open Space Design



ladscape architect definitions, green way, green area, open space, green space


After the political fali of 1989 in Hungary alterations of the society and alterations of the use of the land can be seen. The conversion of the land use is the most conspicuous in the western part of Hungary and in the urban fringe of the Capital. Newer and netver demands appeared generating brand new expectations in the field of landscape architecture, too. Answering to these expectations the profession has started it’s own renewal. Year to year, professional terms have been redefined, and new definitions have appeared. The various specialities in the profession made their own changes resulting slightly different meanings of definitions and sometimes a bit of confusion of the hierarcy of terms from the holistical point of view. The aim of this green muster is to collect the Hungárián ‘green’ definitions used in the profession (green open space, green corridor, green way, green beit etc.) and tune them
a bit. The paper is based on a uniform examination, and tries to define a new spatial network based on public open spaces.

Author Biography

  • Balázs Almási, Corvinus University of Budapest, Department for Garden and Open Space Design

    landscape architect
    assistant lecturer



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How to Cite

Green(?) muster. (2006). 4D Journal of Landscape Architecture and Garden Art, 2, 3-12.

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