Conceptual open space architecture of Piac square, Székesfehérvár
Székesfehérvár, Piac square, open space architecture, multifunctional space, open water surface, urban developmentAbstract
Over the past decades, a number of urban spaces have fallen victim to transport-oriented urban development, losing their attractive community functions and often degrading into busy transport hubs, transfer points or even bus terminals. The Piac tér in Székesfehérvár was once an important place in the life of the city, a place of social interaction, an open-air urban space where there was always something going on, where people could go for more than just shopping. Today, the square is in a state of disrepair, both in terms of its urban structure and its historical value. I am convinced that the rapidly developing county town could implement a well thought-out open space architectural plan for the wider area, which would meet the recreational needs of the local population, improve the image of the town and thus create a new attraction for tourism. In my diploma thesis, I wanted to propose a garden and open space architectural plan for the rehabilitation of the city centre of Székesfehérvár.
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