The assessment and questions of the present agricultural education based on the data of FM DASZK Móricz Zsigmond Agricultural High School, Secondary Technical School and Students’ Hostel


  • Péter Bertalan Kaposvári Egyetem
  • Viktória Horváthné Petrás Kaposvári Egyetem Gazdálkodás-és Szervezéstudományi Doktori Iskola



Regarding the natural conditions of Hungary, all conditions have been met for the operation of the agricultural sector, but it should also be emphasized that the utilization of all these features can only be achieved by the appropriate agricultural training. As a result of social and economic restructuring, the requirements and requirements for vocational training have changed, which have led to new demands for vocational training. Above all these, the series of problems of economic, social and sociological origin make it difficult for teachers to carry out their work.
Stressing the importance of agricultural training, the research tries to point out that solving problems in vocational education is a prerequisite for our country to continue to play a leading role in world food production.
In the course of processing this topic, our primary aim was to map out the problems encountered in Hungarian agricultural education after the short history of vocational training in order to emphasize the significance and the shortcomings of agricultural training, all of which are illustrated and supported by the Kaposvár FM DASZK Móricz Zsigmond Agricultural Secondary High School and Students’ Hostel.

Author Biographies

  • Péter Bertalan, Kaposvári Egyetem

  • Viktória Horváthné Petrás, Kaposvári Egyetem Gazdálkodás-és Szervezéstudományi Doktori Iskola


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Training and Practice

How to Cite

The assessment and questions of the present agricultural education based on the data of FM DASZK Móricz Zsigmond Agricultural High School, Secondary Technical School and Students’ Hostel. (2019). Training and Practice : Journal of Educational Sciences, 17(2), 161-175.