Digital technologies in music education − The prospects of interactive course development in primary school music education


  • Mónika Deákné Kecskés Széchenyi István University Faculty of Arts
  • Erzsébet Bánszeginé Gáncs Széchenyi István University Faculty of Education



Within the framework of the 'Education Innovation - Modernisation of the training structure, methods and content in higher education, enhancement of its labour market relevance', we conducted a course material development project for the length of two terms at the Institute of Education and Social Sciences, Apáczai Csere János Faculty of Humanities, Széchenyi István University. We devised course material to be applied in e-learning and in a place-based studying environment (VR course material). The aim of the project was to create support material that assists teacher candidates in processing and acquiring the material of primary school music education. Its necessity and timeliness are justified by the insufficient level of music skills of newly admitted teacher candidates. The present paper is intended to display a summary and short-term evaluation of the project.

Author Biographies

  • Mónika Deákné Kecskés, Széchenyi István University Faculty of Arts

    PhD, associate professor

  • Erzsébet Bánszeginé Gáncs, Széchenyi István University Faculty of Education

    PhD, assistant professor


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Training and Practice

How to Cite

Digital technologies in music education − The prospects of interactive course development in primary school music education. (2021). Training and Practice : Journal of Educational Sciences, 19(1-2), 82-90.