Importance of determining Hungarian soil erodibility values in connection with the soil loss tolerance values
soil erodibility, soil loss tolerance, modellingAbstract
Soil is a non-renewable natural resource. Researches, made for examining soil for protection purposes are vital for survival of this very thin, superficial layer of our Mother Earth and in the first place for human kind. A wide range of erosion models, most of them combined with GIS, varying in purpose and details are available for predicting soil loss.
The Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) is statistical summaries of average annual soil loss data from plot studies in the United States. The equation has been worked out on the basis of over 10 000 plot-years data taken on erosion plots in the USA. Incorporating the USLE equation into a GIS model makes it possible to calculate soil losses for larger areas.
Local measurements proved some estimated Hungarian erodibility data from literature to be too high. This resulted higher predicted soil loss, too. Local measurements might reduce overestimation in soil loss prediction and prove USLE to be more proper than before.
This paper investigates the role of local rainfall simulations for calculating the soil erodibility factor of the USLE. Maps with various analysis dependents on estimated soil loss tolerance values show necessity of measurements on soil erodibility, soil formation rate and soil loss tolerance.
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