Effects of conventional and conservation tillage on soil erosion and ecosystems


  • Krisztina Bádonyi Department for Physical Geography, Geographical Research Institute, HAS, 1112 Budapest, Budaörsi út 45.




conventional tillage, conservation tillage, soil erosion, earthworms, birds


Conservation tillage is a sustainable cultivation method, its main advantages are the protection against erosion and deflation, the preservation of soil structure, the retention of soil moisture, the increase of organic matter content and the protection of soil life. This paper provides a review on the development of conservation tillage, its precedents, obstacles of its use and its environmental benefits. Intensive cultivation on arable lands leads to severe soil erosion and biodiversity loss. Concerning the relations between soil erosion and the different tillage methods, the conclusion is that under conservation tillage soil erosion decreases worldwide. Earthworms are important and sensitive indicators of various tillage techniques and good soil health. Similarly, birds are bioindicators of healthy countryside. Decreasing number of species and/or individuals within species are a sign of degradation of soil and land, respectively. Literature on the effect of different cultivation techniques on earthworm and bird fauna unanimously points to the benefits of conservation agriculture.

Author Biography

  • Krisztina Bádonyi, Department for Physical Geography, Geographical Research Institute, HAS, 1112 Budapest, Budaörsi út 45.



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Áttekintő tanulmányok

How to Cite

Effects of conventional and conservation tillage on soil erosion and ecosystems. (2006). JOURNAL OF LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY, 4(1), 1-16. https://doi.org/10.56617/tl.4442

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