Study of microelement content of brown forest soil of „Mátrafoot” region in load longterm field experiment
heavy metal, toxic element, total element content, available element contentAbstract
The alterations and movements of toxic elements (Al, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb, Zn) into the deeper soil layers were followed by means of soil examinations during the long term heavy metal load experiments initiated in the autumn of 1994 at Károly Róbert College, Gyöngyös. The above mentioned toxic elements were released into the ploughed upper stratum. In May 1995 and July 2002 the upper 0–25 cm layer of the soil was sampled. Having examined the total element content we found that in the eighth year of the experiment the metallic contamination was demonstrable with the exception of mercury. The contamination decreased to a different extent in the case of each element. The greatest decrease was found in the case of cadmium (92%), followed by chromium (77%), arsenic (75%), lead (60%), copper (53%), and zinc (6%). In the case of the available element content the greates decrease was observable in the case of cadmium and arsenic – 91–92%. The other elements showed the following order: chromium (80%), lead (76%), copper (72%) and finally zinc (42%). The examination of the connection between the total and the available element content proved that the total metallic contamination determines the soluble metallic content of the soil to a continually decreaseing extent. During the years the total element content went through a qualitative change as a result of which its solubility significantly dereased. The examination of the regression coefficients resulted in the fact that in 2002 the solubility of the treatment elements decreased by 5% in the case of cadmium, by 41% in the case of arsenic, by 52% in the case of copper and zinc, by 59% in the case of lead, and by 77% in the case of chromium compared to the 1995 values.
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