Effects of grazing and mowing used in the flood-prevention banks
flood-prevention banks, sheepgrazing, mowing, soil protectionAbstract
The grass-covered flood-prevention banks take an important part not only in the soil protection, but also in the winter feeding of the ruminants. But the rules of dam management in the Hydrographic Directives forbid grazing in the flood-prevention banks, with reference to the flood-prevention aspects. Discussed this, in present issue, authors grazed a hundred sheep in flood-prevention bank of the Tisza-river, and examined the negative and positive effects of grazing to the construction of dams and the botanical composition of its grass-covered sites. Authors compared grazing capacities in the saved- and the water-sides of the banks. Results show, that in case of professional graze, would not have any degradation in the construction of dam or in the grassland botanical composition.
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Copyright (c) 2011 Sallai András, Harcsa Marietta, Szemán László, Percze Attila
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