Study of golden jackal (Canis aureus L. 1758) population density on the base of direct observations
golden jackal, population estimation, territory, jackal howlingAbstract
During the course of our research, our goal was to estimate the golden jackal population density of the study area (S-Hungary, Ormánság microregion) with the help of simple methods based on observing direct and indirect signs showing the presence of the species. Altogether 28 spontaneous jackal howls were observed during the period of the research, 27 of which were heard after sunset. The average duration between the astrological sunset and the howls was 1 hour 54 minutes (n=27, s=40). Based on the observed howls, the recorded footprints and the location of faeces, we determined the constant presence of three families in the study area. Estimation of the number of individuals within the families was between 4 and 9 specimen. Family density was also calculated, we found 1.2 families/1000 ha, which − compared to other studies − is a relatively low number. Estimated size of the territories were 1−1,5 km2, which also falls below other European data.
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Copyright (c) 2012 Heltai Miklós, Torbó László Tibor, Lanszki József, Szabó László

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