Characteristics of meander development under human impact – a case study on two bends of the Dráva river


  • Tímea Kiss University of Szeged, Department of Physical Geography and Geoinformatics, HU-6722, Egyetem u. 2-6. Szeged, Hungary
  • Gábor Andrási University of Szeged, Department of Physical Geography and Geoinformatics, HU-6722, Egyetem u. 2-6. Szeged, Hungary



Dráva, meander development, point-bar development, bank erosion, dendro-geomorphology, dam construction


The Dráva River, located in Hungary, is characterised by great slope and large bed load sediment discharge, thus the channel is formed dynamically. Due to these characteristics, the river can respond rapidly to (anthropogenic) effects, producing well-defined hydro-morphological responses. The aim of this research was to evaluate the channel development (bank accretion and erosion) and determine the role of indirect anthropogenic activities that influence it. In the frame of the paper the evolution of two meanders is studied by applying geoinformatic and dendrological methods. At the meanders studied the channel narrowed by 22-28 %, which was related to the water stage drop caused by upstream dams. Before the operation of the Croatian hydropower plants (1975), floods were frequent and during higher stages gravel bar surfaces were formed. However, after the construction of the Cakovec (1982) and Donja Dubrava (1989) hydropower plants the water level dropped significantly, thus the gravel bar surfaces emerged and the dry surfaces were colonized by trees. Therefore, the gravel bars became islands or point-bars, which osculated to the riverbank. The gravel bar transformation was not a steady process, predominantly because in some years large areas were stabilized. For example, between 1994-1998 14-21% of the bar surfaces were colonized by forest or in 2002-2004 further 8.5-11%. River bank in which riverbank ero- sion followed the rate of the bank accretion. The rate of bank retreat was influenced by the parameters of the eroding bank (length, height and its angel with the thalweg), and by the stream power of the floods. As a conse- quence, the hydro-morphology of the Dráva River is changing: the inundation of the floodplain with water is increasingly rare, so much so that the surface become dry, and on the bare bar surfaces, new riparian floodplain segments and forests evolve. At the same time, a slow reduction in the large bar surfaces and islands is probable, thus these habitats are declining.

Author Biographies

  • Tímea Kiss, University of Szeged, Department of Physical Geography and Geoinformatics, HU-6722, Egyetem u. 2-6. Szeged, Hungary

  • Gábor Andrási, University of Szeged, Department of Physical Geography and Geoinformatics, HU-6722, Egyetem u. 2-6. Szeged, Hungary


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How to Cite

Characteristics of meander development under human impact – a case study on two bends of the Dráva river. (2015). JOURNAL OF LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY | TÁJÖKÖLÓGIAI LAPOK , 13(1), 73-88.

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