Possibilities for launching a second nature trail on the Sas Hill Nature Conservation Area in Budapest


  • Viktor Miklós Szegedi Szent István University, FAES, Institute of Nature Conservation and Landscape Management, Department of Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology, H-2103 Gödöllő, Páter K. u. 1. Hungary
  • Péter Merza Szent István University, FAES, Institute of Nature Conservation and Landscape Management, Department of Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology, H-2103 Gödöllő, Páter K. u. 1. Hungary
  • Ákos Malatinszky Szent István University, FAES, Institute of Nature Conservation and Landscape Management, Department of Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology, H-2103 Gödöllő, Páter K. u. 1. Hungary




questionnaire, visitor, Sas Hill, nature trail, nature conservation area, planning


Our aim was to explore the current state of the former ’lower nature trail’ on the Sas Hill Nature Conservation Area (Budapest) and the natural values that can be presented for the wider public during a guided tour; as well as to plan the renovation of this nature trail (while considering the sensitivity of species and habitats) with an estimation on the maximum number of visitors that do not harm these values. Based on our examinations we state that the renovation of this former route would increase the eco-touristic attractivity of the visitor centre, while the number of illegal access and harmful land uses would decrease. 84.9% of visitors filling the questionnaire (n=93) would certainly come for a guided tour in this old-new trail; 92% of them would come even if the duration would significantly increase (to 2 hours instead of 50 minutes on the current trail). Most of them (68.5%) consider a 50% increase in the price of the current entrance (and guidance) fee to be fair. 70% of visitors claim for information panels and 81.1% for a brochure with photos. Due to the sensitivity of existing species and habitats, we suggest a ’stick-and-booklet’ type trail on a 2 km long route. We give two (slightly different) scenarios for its route, with 8 stops (stations), and strict control of visiting.

Author Biography

  • Ákos Malatinszky, Szent István University, FAES, Institute of Nature Conservation and Landscape Management, Department of Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology, H-2103 Gödöllő, Páter K. u. 1. Hungary

    corresponding author


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How to Cite

Possibilities for launching a second nature trail on the Sas Hill Nature Conservation Area in Budapest. (2016). JOURNAL OF LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY | TÁJÖKOLÓGIAI LAPOK , 14(2), 71-81. https://doi.org/10.56617/tl.3642

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