Climate change vulnerability assessment of the Danube-Ipoly National Park


  • Attila Buzási Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Environmental Economics 1117-Budapest, Magyar tudósok körútja 2.
  • Fanni Dajka Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Environmental Economics 1117-Budapest, Magyar tudósok körútja 2.



climate change, exposure, sensitivity, adaptive capacity, protected natural areas, conservation


In terms of future effects and risks of climate change, the Carpathian Basin is one of the most vulnerable regions in Europe. Climate change with other anthropogenic activities (e.g. habitat transformations, overuse of natural resources) threaten the extremly high biodiversity of Hungary. Therefore it is necessary to understand the effects of climate change on natural ecosystems, and to conduce to studies and acts helping the ecosystem's adaptation to the harmful impacts. The aim of this study is to provide a numerical evaluation of the climate vulnerability of one of the most diverse protected natural areas of Hungary, the Danube-Ipoly National Park. Current study is based on the IPCC’s climate change vulnerability assessment method. By collecting and interpreting indicators for our study, our aim was to present a rarely applied methodology that can provide a base for further research related to vulnerability and comparability of protected natural areas. We quantified the vulnerability of the national park by an ecological climate vulnerability assessment, using a total of 12 indicators to determine the area's exposure, sensitivity and constraints on adaptive capacity to climate change. We created our indicator values in the range of 0 to 1, so that the final vulnerability index also falls in this range. According to our scale, higher values of each vulnerability components represent higher exposure, sensitivity, constraints on adaptive capacity of the national park, and consequently its vulnerability to climate change. Based on the results of two regional climate models we received 0,56 (ALADIN-Climate) and 0,54 (RegCM) values for the exposure, 0,25 for the sensitivity and 0,23 for the constraints on adaptive capacity. Based on the calculated values we conclude in this study that the Danube-Ipoly National Park can be described with medium exposure, moderate sensitivity and high adaptive capacity relative to the average climate changes predicted for Hungary for the time period 2021-2050. By averaging the values of the three components, the overall vulnerability value equals 0,35 using the ALADIN-Climate and 0,34 with the RegCM regional climate model. In comparison to other national parks in Hungary, the Danube-Ipoly National Park can be classified as a low vulnerable area.

Author Biographies

  • Attila Buzási, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Environmental Economics 1117-Budapest, Magyar tudósok körútja 2.

  • Fanni Dajka, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Environmental Economics 1117-Budapest, Magyar tudósok körútja 2.


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How to Cite

Climate change vulnerability assessment of the Danube-Ipoly National Park. (2019). JOURNAL OF LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY | TÁJÖKÖLÓGIAI LAPOK , 17(2), 147-164.

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