Species composition overview of spontaneous forest stands according to Hungarian National Forestry Database
spontaneous afforestation, forest succession, species composition, regeneration, ability to spread, invasive tree speciesAbstract
The species composition of spontaneous forest stands was analysed on the ground of the National Forest Database. Processed stands have been registered as “found forest” in the course of forest planning. Stand types of spontaneous forests were analysed according to forest regions. Tree species were compared on a nationwide and regional scale using variables: area, from area calculated indicators, Tree Spreading Index (TSI). Relationships of the most important tree species were characterized by multivariate statistics. The area and species composition of spontaneous forests represent a high regional heterogeneity. In most regions, spontaneous stands are sites of invasive species spreading (first of all black locust – Robinia pseudoacacia). Despite invasion hazards, forest regeneration with many native tree species is a realistic scenario on a sizable area in the southwest part of the Transdanubian region and east part of Northern Medium Mountains. Species composition data shows a decreasing role of sessile oak compared with turkey oak. The higher importance of some r-K selected tree species (e. g. field maple) in the course of forest succession provides a good long-term alternative to mid-term decreasing native pioneer and invasive species. Some adventive species (e. g. silver maple – Acer saccharinum) are not qualified as the most important invasive species, but after our results, these are going to be most dangerous and can be problematic in the aspect of nature conservation.
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