An overview of the French landscape characteristics and dynamics on a national level


  • Renée Aoun Thessaly University, Department of Planning and Regional Development, Volos, Greece Iskandar Aoun Building, Ballani Street, Batroun, North Lebanon, Lebanon



France, agriculture, landscape history, landscape character, evolution, Common Agricultural Policy


The development of many of the present characteristic features of the agricultural landscapes in France shows the historical passage of time. The aim of this paper is to identify and summarise this history and to highlight the critical points that marked this evolution. The first part is an overview of the literature demonstrating that in the French case, the variety of agricultural landscapes is not just the result of historical events but is also due to the geographic and demographic contexts, as well as to many other factors. For this paper, historical studies and other data on the development of the agricultural landscapes have been collected. This overview, from prehistory until the present, shows when, what and why these changes took place. The second part aims to demonstrate the major types of agricultural landscapes on a national level. The third part introduces two case studies. One is in the Massif Central region and the second one in the Pyrenees. In these examples, we focus on more details about these regional landscapes throughout time and in their present situation to help understanding how mountainous agricultural regions can have different utilities according to the interactions with their environment. And finally, a forecast will be made for the way current policies are likely to affect the future of the agricultural landscapes of France. The purpose of this type of work is to help understanding the current reality and to elaborate scenarios for the future of these landscapes in the coming years by considering and understanding what could affect the landscape and what form those factors could take, such as social crisis, lifestyles, ecological changes and the economic situation. By analyzing the past, understanding the present, and attempting to imagine the future, we aim to improve and sustain the land and the people.


  • Renée Aoun, Thessaly University, Department of Planning and Regional Development, Volos, Greece Iskandar Aoun Building, Ballani Street, Batroun, North Lebanon, Lebanon


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Selected papers from the presentations of the final conference of the EUCALAND Project


An overview of the French landscape characteristics and dynamics on a national level. (2010). TÁJÖKÖLÓGIAI LAPOK | JOURNAL OF LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY , 8(Suppl.1), 89-98.

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