Erosion dynamics research by different soil chemistry parameters in Gerézdpuszta sample slope


  • Zsófia Dobó Szent István University, Institute of Nature Conservation and Landscape Management 2100–Gödöllő, Páter k. u. 1.



soil degradation, erosion, slope effect, soil protection


Nowadays, overpopulation and the lack of food supply have become one of the most important globally arising problems along climate change. The rapid pace of climate change and steadily increasing demand for food incite farmers to raise yield at any cost, and to ignore “good farmer” practice. The bad farming and cultivation practices largely contribute to soil degradation, like soil erosion. Recognizing the importance of this problem, I have started my erosion researches years ago in Gerézdpuszta. The aim of the last (2014) soil sampling was to investigate soil erosion dynamics by different soil chemistry parameters. The study area is an intensive arable land with approximately 330 m length and with an average 16 % slope angle. Right next to the arable land, control field was also designated, which is an extensive grassland. Following the field sampling and laboratory analyzation, I can state that different erosion zones can be found in slope. These erosion zones could be recognized by sampling at a proper scale. Alkaline pH and big calcium carbonate content clearly increases the sensitivity of soil to erosion. The results statistically prove the importance of plant cover, as T-test is also certifies the difference in quality. Soil erosion dynamics could be observed by similar researches and can advise farmers to use soil protective cultivation.

Author Biography

  • Zsófia Dobó, Szent István University, Institute of Nature Conservation and Landscape Management 2100–Gödöllő, Páter k. u. 1.


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How to Cite

Erosion dynamics research by different soil chemistry parameters in Gerézdpuszta sample slope. (2016). JOURNAL OF LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY | TÁJÖKÖLÓGIAI LAPOK , 14(1), 33-48.

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