Analysis of generation differences in online shopping habits and behaviour




fogyasztói magatartás, online kereskedelem, online vásárlás


Online shopping has become more and more a part of our everyday lives, with e-commerce volumes growing exponentially in recent years. In addition to e-commerce, the use of social media sites is an integral part of our lives and has a significant impact on our shopping. Our objective is to examine online shopping habits and the factors that influence them. To achieve our research objective, we conducted an online questionnaire survey with 477 respondents. Our results show that there are generational differences in the frequency of online shopping, browsing online stores and monthly spending on online shopping. In addition to online shopping, members of the younger generation browse online shops more frequently, while Generation X is characterised by higher average monthly spending. The online shoppers in our sample perceive online purchases as easy to make from the comfort of their own homes, avoiding large crowds. In addition, online shopping is significantly influenced by various social media sites, which provide access to information and opinions from other consumers. From the results, we can conclude that e-commerce companies need to develop and implement differentiated marketing actions based on their target group. For example, in the case of products or services targeted at women, it may be appropriate to include influencers in various advertising campaigns, given that women pay a lot of attention to social media when searching for and evaluating alternatives.

Author Biographies

  • Valentina Balogh-Kardos, Debreceni Egyetem, Gazdaságtudományi Kar, Marketing és Kereskedelem Intézet

    PhD student

  • Tímea Gál, Debreceni Egyetem, Gazdaságtudományi Kar, Marketing és Kereskedelem Intézet

    associate professor


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