Pension policy challenges and communication possibilities - empirical study of hungarian university students


  • Nándor Komáromi Szent István University, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
  • Nikolett Mihály Szent István University, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences



management, pension policy, innovation


The most important question of our study is to find out what pension policy procedures are necessary to respond effectively to the challenges of an aging population as well as changes in the composition of employees. We examine the characteristics and communication practices of pension reforms in international literature (secondary research).The main issue of our paper is how pension policy can effectively respond to changes of demographical transition. It is very important to examine whether changes to pension policy are adapted to groups in society and if so, which kind of communication should be used. We measured university students regarding of age and gender specialties in financial attitudes and preparing for retirement. We tried to prepare persuasion strategies that reinforce the retirement saving motivation. Our research is therefore a search for a major project.


  • Nándor Komáromi, Szent István University, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences

    assistant professor
    E-mail: Komaromi.

  • Nikolett Mihály, Szent István University, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences

    associate professor



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