Operating urban public transport rail infrastructure and vehicles over planned life cycle and its economic aspects within the company

(Analysis and fine-tuning of the science based continued operation protocol (scop) decision support model)


  • Takács Péter Szent István University, Enyedi György Doctoral School of Regional Sciences




continued operation, public transport, tangible assets, useful lifespan, investment, accounting, risks, lifespan costs


If you accept the principle that a tangible asset can be operated as long as it is considered usable,
operating conditions must be evaluated at the end of its life expectancy. Of course, life
expectancy is different when we run a light bulb or an airplane therefore we will need some risk
assessment and a science based continued operation protocol (SCOP). The idea of developing
a SCOP came from BKV Zrt. and it was formed by 2012, with expertise help. SCOP is a model
that keeps growing and requires fine tuning but the fact that BKV Zrt applies it on a daily basis,
proves its success. In my thesis I now describe the key aspects of the operation of vehicles over
the planned lifespan and analyse the model for further development.

Információk a szerzőről

  • Takács Péter, Szent István University, Enyedi György Doctoral School of Regional Sciences

    PhD student
    E-mail: takacs.nht@gmail.com


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Hogyan kell idézni

Takács Péter. (2020). Operating urban public transport rail infrastructure and vehicles over planned life cycle and its economic aspects within the company: (Analysis and fine-tuning of the science based continued operation protocol (scop) decision support model). Studia Mundi – Economica, 7(2), 65-78. https://doi.org/10.18531/Studia.Mundi.2020.07.02.65-78

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