Development of companies operating logistics service centres by employing the results of network research


  • Karmazin György College of Szolnok. BI-KA Logisztika Kft.
  • Ulechla Gergely Szent István University, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Doctoral School of Management and Business Administration, (Eastern-Europe& Emerging Markets), Arrow Electronics Inc.,



business networks, corporate size, logistics service provider, hub, supply chain strategy


Logistics centres of huge capacity and having the ability to create added value have emerged in recent decades. These centres have become network nodes between the co-operating organizations which accomplish the management of supply chains (networks) by connecting different modalities and networks with their infrastructure and informatics. The effective operation of logistics centres presented in business networks are usually managed by logistics supplier businesses (3PL/4PL). Defining the supply net as a complex network, logistics centres may be called hubs, the routes and relationships connecting the centres or – by borrowing the term used in network theory – may be called edges. Hub management provides core supply chain execution and visibility. Taking into consideration earlier results of network research we are searching for correlations between its proven principles and the growth possibilities of the centres (hubs) operated by logistics service providers. In addition, the results concerning cell networks provide further, new insights and increasing opportunities to consider the logistics systems within the field of theoretical network science. The present paper has developed as a result of the logistics supplier companies’ strategic responses to the challenges of a rapidly changing environment, both on local and global level.

Szerző életrajzok

  • Karmazin György, College of Szolnok. BI-KA Logisztika Kft.


  • Ulechla Gergely , Szent István University, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Doctoral School of Management and Business Administration, (Eastern-Europe& Emerging Markets), Arrow Electronics Inc.,



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Hogyan kell idézni

Karmazin, G., & Ulechla, G. (2015). Development of companies operating logistics service centres by employing the results of network research. Studia Mundi – Economica, 2(1), 77-84.

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