The possible role of urban wastewater treatment plants in nutrient- and energy management



sludge, sewage plants, urban waste, biogas, biomethane


In our article, we deal with the potential role of wastewater plants in energy generation and nutrient management. We primarily deal with larger size plants, since in these plants there is a wider spectrum of energy and nutrient management options. This is due to, inter alia, economies of scale, higher amounts of homogeneous raw material and, consequently, easier utilization and qualification of different products. In our estimates we have found that a purification plant using anaerobic technology for a population of 100,000 households can produce 2900 m3 of biogas per day and from this about 1900 m3 per day of biomethane. As regards the nutrient management of the site, the amount of the macro-element content of the incoming wastewater, which is approximately 13,000 m3, is 281.000 HUF (~ EUR 900) of TKN (Total Nitrogen, 1.3 t/day) and 68.000 HUF (~ EUR 220) of TP (total phosphorus 0.2 t/day). In the outgoing purified water there is a TKN of HUF 42.000 (~ EUR 133), and a TP of HUF 4.400 (~ EUR 14). The methods and the values used in the calculations can serve as basic data for further comparative tests and potentials for different size plants.

Author Biography

  • Zoltán Gabnai, University of Debrecen, Faculty of Economics and Business

    corresponding author


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How to Cite

Gabnai, G., & Bai, A. (2019). The possible role of urban wastewater treatment plants in nutrient- and energy management . GEORGIKON FOR AGRICULTURE, 23(3), 120-141.

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