Selections on domestic grape pests
climate change, climate zones, Mediterranean insects, invasive insects, biotic reasons, abiotic reasonsAbstract
Climate fluctuation has turned into climate change in the last 10-20 years, the results of which can be seen in extreme weather events. From a climatic point of view, our country is divided into three sub-zones, of which the first sub-zone is warm-temperate or Mediterranean, the second sub-zone is medium-temperate, while the third sub-zone is cold-temperate. So it is essential to monitor the climate changes of these subzones in the future. Since the transformation of the flora requires a relatively long time, witch these pest insects world does not, therefore the change in the climate of our country is already noticeable, which is connected with the completion of globalized networks and the arrival of insects in a new environment. Such new damage recipients in grape culture are the green wandering bug (Nezera viridula LINNAEUS 1758), the american grape cicada (Scaphoideus titanus BALL 1932), the snake-mining vine moth (Phyllocnistis vitegenella CLEMENS 1859), the grape-mining bright moth (Antispila oinophylla VAN NIENKERKEN & WAGNER 2012) and the small glow moth (Holocacista rivillei STAINTON 1855). Two of these are interesting because of global climate change, two are interesting because of globalized trade, and one is interesting partly because of trade and partly because of climate change.
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