A Solanum nigrum szerepe a burgonyavírusok terjedésében
DAS ELISA, potato, Solanum nigrumAbstract
In Hungary, among vegetables, the species of the Solanaceae family are grown in the largest quantities. This family includes tomatoes, peppers, potatoes and eggplant. Their protection is a complicated task and requires great expertise as it is advisable to apply integrated approach against harmful organisms. Protection against viruses is difficult because we can only use preventive measures. The weed species, Solanum nigrum belongs to the Solanaceae family. It is a common, widespread, tough plant all over the country. It poses a major problem in the growing areas where potatoes are grown, because its sensitivity to herbicides and close affinity (the same genus) exclude the possibility of using chemical plant protection measures. It is an extremely noxious weed because it can carry and transfer viruses. There could be several pathogens in a single weed, which can increase the chance of complex viral infection. Our goal was to find out, which viruses and in what combinations are common in the Solanum nigrum to help developing a more precise protection of potatoes.
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