Különböző talajápolási módok hatása átlag alatti, átlagos és bőséges csapadék-ellátottság esetén, erózióra hajlamos hegy-völgy telepítési irányú szőlőültetvényben


  • Péter Varga NAIK Szőlészeti és Borászati Kutatóintézet, Badacsonyi Kutató Állomás, e-mail: vargapeter@mail.iif.hu (correspondence)
  • János Májer NAIK Szőlészeti és Borászati Kutatóintézet, Badacsonyi Kutató Állomás


duration experiment, erosion, soil cultivation method, soil and plant coverage


For nearly a decade comparative soil cultivation trials of a duration experiment nature have been conducted at the NAIC Viticulture and Oenology Research Institute Badacsony. During our trials in 2011, 2014 and 2017 we have drawn comparisons on a slope (hill-valley directional) system between mulching with organic plant wastes, and lasting and temporary plant coverage and also mechanical soil cultivation. A special grass mixture was used for the lasting plant coverage (red fescue, ambiguous leaved fescue, tall fescue and perennial ryegrass), and we also had trials using a legume seed mixture (red clover, crimson clover, white clover, common vetch and fodder peas). For the temporary plant coverage we used Winter wheat, Triticale and weed mixtures characteristic of the area, furthermore between the rows we planted just Phacelia on its own. Our aim those years while researches were made (2011-below average of wet, 2014-ample amount of wet, 2017-average amount of wet) was to examine the effect of the treatments on soil moisture content, on the soil nutrition supply and on harvest results. It can be ascertained overall that our soils must be protected from the damaging effects of erosion, especially in the weather conditions prevailing throughout 2017, when dry periods interchanged with sudden heavy rainfall or when the year of 2014 the amount of rain was higher 50 percent. The basis for protection against erosion can be soil coverage using organic material wastes which has a favourable effect on both the soil and the plant (water and nutrition supply). The other possible solution is the application of plant coverage. The most suitable of these proved to be the special drought resistant grass mixture and the legume mixture. In comparison with the other treatments the treatment using mulching with organic plant waste and the treatment using a legume mixture showed outstanding results for soil moisture content, mineral nitrogen supply and average yield. These results also showed statistically certified increased values when compared with the results measured on the control plots.


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How to Cite

Varga, P., & Májer, J. (2020). Különböző talajápolási módok hatása átlag alatti, átlagos és bőséges csapadék-ellátottság esetén, erózióra hajlamos hegy-völgy telepítési irányú szőlőültetvényben. GEORGIKON FOR AGRICULTURE, 24(1), 99-107. https://journal.uni-mate.hu/index.php/gfa/article/view/6265

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