Egy növénykondicionáló készítmény hatásának vizsgálata kisparcellás szántóföldi kísérletekben
plant conditioner, questionnaire survey, soybean, barley, field experimentAbstract
It is a great challenge that the ever-growing population must produce food in an ever-decreasing production area. Perhaps the most natural way to do this is to improve soil fertility and increase yields with soil and plant conditioning products. Although they are becoming more and more popular among farmers, their impact and their operating mechanism are largely unknown. A questionnaire survey was carried out among farmers about their awareness, the extent of their use and the experience gained with them. Our results show that farmers mostly buy foliar fertilizers and microbiological products and have favorable experiences with their use, while biostimulants are less known and used. In a field experiment we investigated the effect of such a plant conditioning product (Bistep). In Keszthely single-factor, randomized, full-block smallplot experiments with spring barley and soybean plants consisted of four treatments and the control were carried out in the spring of 2018. Treatments were used as suggested by themanufacturer of the product on the recommended period (s) and dose (s) for the given crop. We examined the growth and yield of plants and seed quality parameters, as well. One-way analysis of variance (R Commander Version 2.5-1) was used for data analysis. There was no statistically significant difference observed among the treatments in any of the two test species investigated; however, when the preparation was applied twice to the crop during the growing season, a slight increment in the seed yield per plant was recorded in the soybean experiment.
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