Analysis of foreign trade of beef cattle and beef at V4 countries
beef, export, import, competitivenessAbstract
This paper examines the foreign trade of live cattle and frozen and chilled beef of Visegrad countries in two different aspects at the market of EU27 from 1999 to 2012.
The first of used indexes named Revealed Competitiveness (RC) is made by Vollrath to analyse competitiveness of agriculture. The foreign trade was measured first by RC index. This showed that Poland and the Czech Republic were competitive in the EU27 market at that period.
The second aspect was the use of Grubel-Lloyd index which based on the analysis of the intraindustry trade and it is used as a supplement beside the competitiveness index(es). This analysis showed that the inter-industry trade goes intra-industry trade in the case of Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. This change was come off after 2004 with a little deflection in V4 countries expect Poland. In Poland, only inter-industry trade was typical all in the examined period.
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