The negative effects of climate change on the chicken reproductive system
climate change, chicken, primordial germ cells, cell cultureAbstract
It is now well established that animal adaptation to heat stress is one of the most critical elements of the future of agriculture. Breeders, due to broad usage of poultry in the EU and worldwide, have to face with changing farming conditions.
Fertilized eggs of Transylvanian Naked Neck Chicken were collected from three groups of hens at National Centre for Biodiversity and Gene Conservation - Institute for Farm Animal Conservation in Gödöllő (NBGC - IFC), Hungary, then incubated at 38°C at 60% humidity. The first one, the control group (C), grew up under normal conditions without exposure to any heat treatment and stress. In the second group (HTHS) the 2-day old chicks were subjected to heat treatment (38.5oC) for the first 12 hours followed by heat stress 30oC at 23-week old continuing about 12 weeks long. The third group (HS) was only heat stressed.
In our work, different reproduction parameters and embryo developmental rate of three groups were compared.
In the field of biotechnology, it is a long-awaited goal to establish stem cell lines isolated from the avian embryos. Our group established 26 Primordial Germ Cell (PGC) lines derived from embryos developed in the eggs of heat-treated and non-treated hens. By using these PGC lines, our group can examine the impact of heat stress on the next generation of heat-treated chickens.
The main family of microRNA (miRNA) studied in chicken is miR-138. Our analysis indicated that in the HTHS there is a higher miR-138 expression in PGC than in the control group. We found an increased level of another miRNA expression in PGC of chicken when we used the heat treatment.
Using these established PGC lines, we can characterize the effect of heat treatment and heat stress in the next generation.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Tokodyné Szabadi Nikolett, Tóth Roland, Lázár Bence, Várkonyi Eszter, Liptói Krisztina, Tokody Dániel, Ady László, Gócza Elen

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