Game? Book? Gamebook!

Introduction of Adventure Gamebooks as a Storytelling Genre and Tool for Pedagogy




gamebook, non-linear narratives, children’s literature, single-player roleplay, hypertext, interactive


In the world of adventure gamebooks the reader is free to move through the plot, and affect change in it. They are capable of choosing where to go, what roles to play, even who to talk to. These choices influence how the story concludes. Gamebooks as a storytelling genre have garnered little scientific attention over the years (Arnaudo 2023). They’re mainly mentioned in foreign literature (Aarseth 1997; Arnaudo 2023; Cook 2021; Fenici–Mosca 2024; Figueiredo–Bidarra 2015). Domestic studies have only concerned themselves with individual entries (Kocsis 2022; Manxhuka 2022; Tisza 2022) rather than the genre as a whole. The subject is not only lacking attention, there have been disparaging, unsubstantiated claims made towards it (Arnaudo 2023). The goal of my paper is to introduce gamebooks as non-linear, complex narratives. First through recounting their characteristics with the help of novels and relevant literature. Then by exploring their connection with hypertext and which of its characteristics they display. Similar genres, like dictionary novels, cinema and even video games will also be highlighted. In regards to historical context, the main focus will fall on the popular Fighting Fantasy and Choose Your Own Adventure books of the 1980s. Contemporarily this genre survives outside of fantasy – in children’s books and young-adult novels. The final focus will be placed on these and their relevance as a tool for pedagogy.


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How to Cite

Látics, B. (2024). Game? Book? Gamebook! Introduction of Adventure Gamebooks as a Storytelling Genre and Tool for Pedagogy. MEDIATON OF HUNGARIAN LANGUAGE CULTURE, 7(2), 4-21.

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