The vocalisation of the visible as a tool of self-situation: Van Gogh
János Pilinszky, Van Gogh, Simone Weil, poetry of prayerAbstract
The study attempts an interpretation of Pilinszky János’s poem ’Van Gogh’, mainly based on criteria of the philosophy of language and language-poetry. This poem of Pilinszky’s, which was received minor attention, yet, has been considered relevant at the same time is examined against a background of the philosophical and theological findings of Heidegger and Simone Weil. Also, an effort is made to examine the characteristics of the poetry of prayer and the immobile commitment manifesting itself in the oeuvre, their effects on poetic language, the reduction of poetic speech and personality appearing in impersonality. After a brief overview of the traditional starting points of the reception and the philosophical and theoretical statements, the study subjects the poem to a textual analysis.
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