Study on the role of agricultural field edges in case the back spreading of small mammals in cultivated areas


  • Szilvia Bőti Szent István University, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Institute for Wildlife Conservation, H-2100 Páter Károly Street 1. Gödöllő, Hungary.
  • Miklós Heltai Szent István University, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Institute for Wildlife Conservation, H-2100 Páter Károly Street 1. Gödöllő, Hungary.
  • Mihály Márton Szent István University, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Institute for Wildlife Conservation, H-2100 Páter Károly Street 1. Gödöllő, Hungary.



small mammals, dispersion, edge, preference


Rodents are important and common pests in the agricultural landscapes. During periodic gradations the small mammals cause considerable damages on both agricultural and forestry areas. The edges of agricultural fields could be the basis of gradation. The aim of our study we have looked for the answer that the edges which are different in type could be play a significant role in case the small mammals aggregation, and their back spreading in cultivated areas. The study areas are located in the north-western part of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county, in the outer area of Jászfényszaru. The study was carried out between 28 February and 30 October 2016. In the first study area zero or few small mammal holes can be found. In case of edge the spatial pattern was primarily characterized by higher hole density in woody vegetation. In the second study area the hole density of small mammals showed different results in the table and in the edge, presumably due to the enrichment of the food supply and the disturbance (ploughing) of soil. In February in the first study area the habitat selection of small mammals was shown. They preferred the edge and avoided the arable stripe groups. In August in the second study area the small mammals have selected significantly between the stripe groups. They avoided the edge and preferred the middle of the field. The role of edge in the dispersion of small mammals to the agricultural area was not proved in the first study area, while in the second study area we received periodically different results.



How to Cite

Study on the role of agricultural field edges in case the back spreading of small mammals in cultivated areas. (2018). ACTA AGRARIA KAPOSVARIENSIS, 22(1), 22-37.