KA-HYB swine breeding and its connection with the progeny testing


  • Gábor Kovách


KA-HYB swine breeding, progeny testing


The KA-HYB swine is a hybrid swine breed that has been officially certified by the state since 1970. It is a continuous hybrid, that like the rotational crossing, there is a determined order in which the male lines are mated with the female lines. It proves the vitality of the method that corporations breeding KA-HYB swine have been reaching the 12th-14th generation of sows. Selection of the male line is based on progeny testing, on-field test, reproductivity and evaluation of conformation testing. Recent scientific methods such as CT, MRI, UHV scanners are also used in the breeding selection program. The predictive value of the BLUP method for genetic evaluation of the breeding lines is presently being investigated. Based on results of previous and ongoing experiments and improvements, it is suggested that the KA- HYB method of breeding due to its practical usefulness inherently secures a continuous hybridization technique that guarantees success and safe productivity for its users.



How to Cite

KA-HYB swine breeding and its connection with the progeny testing. (2002). ACTA AGRARIA KAPOSVARIENSIS, 6(1), 17-23. https://journal.uni-mate.hu/index.php/aak/article/view/1606