The role of farm planning and human resource management in the reservation of motivation of employees


  • Gábor Kemény
  • Gábor Juhász


farm planning, human resource management, motivation, participation


University of Kaposvár Faculty of Animal Science, Kaposvár, H-7400 Guba Sándor út 40.
We use up experiences of an empirical research accomplished in the South Transdanubian region in our study. From the data of 43 enterprises it can be ascertained that motivation of employees of enterprises is low. It's specially true of employees working on low levels of hierarchy. With increasing of motivation it can mobilise important reserves in the aim of increasing marketability. This increase of motivation attainable not just with improvement of unfavorable income position, but with not in money means too. For example such a mean the insurance of participation of employees in decision making processes. Farm planning and human resources management can give possibilities for this processes. Participated employees can harmonize their own goals with company goals rather.



How to Cite

The role of farm planning and human resource management in the reservation of motivation of employees. (2001). ACTA AGRARIA KAPOSVARIENSIS, 5(2), 73-82.