Relationships between odour emission and poultry keeping technologies


  • András Béres


odour emission, poultry keeping, keeping technology


Alongside the role fulfilled in food production by livestock keeping (and within this poultry keeping), its considerable polluting effects on the environment must also be faced. Among these effects is the odour effect of polluted air emanating from buildings housing livestock. After a survey of the literature relating to odour emission resulting from livestock keeping, the author set for these investigations the objective of determining the effects on odour emission of the following technological aspects and factors: the method of heating used in the poultry building; - the development of an extraction ventilation system; the slocking density in the poultry building; As a result of these investigations it was established that in broiler keeping the development of an extraction ventilation system does not influence the level of odour emission arising. On the other hand, the method of heating used in the poultry building and the stocking density are factors in keeping technology which do exert a substantial degree of influence on the intensity of the generation of odours, and therefore on odour emission.



How to Cite

Relationships between odour emission and poultry keeping technologies. (2000). ACTA AGRARIA KAPOSVARIENSIS, 4(1), 49-55.