Preliminary results on the somatic and body compositional changes in juvenile common carp during long-term starvation


  • Dániel Varga
  • Csaba Hancz
  • Tamás Molnár
  • Róbert Romvári
  • András Szabó


common carp, juveniles, body composition, starvation


The aim of our study was to analyse the body compositional changes in common carp juveniles during 12-week-long starvation. Food restriction had a significant impact on every parameter. Hepatosomatic index, viscerosomatix index and condition factor decreased linearly, while in case of body composition parameters a slight fluctuation can be observed. Body fat and dry matter content decreased, protein and ash increased due to 12-week-long starvation. It can be concluded that body lipids constituted the major energy source for starved carp juveniles and 12-week-long starvation did not induce proteolysis in tissues.




Folyóirat szám


Akvakultúra és hidrobiológia

Hogyan kell idézni

Preliminary results on the somatic and body compositional changes in juvenile common carp during long-term starvation. (2014). Acta Agraria Kaposváriensis, 18(1), 50-54.

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