Total quality management – penetration presumption on world market of animal products


  • Krunoslav Zmaić
  • Ružica Lončarić
  • Tihana Sudarić


global competition, international standards, TQM, quality costs


Animal production in the Republic of Croatia is in unfavorable position considering loss of traditional market and demand decrease on domestic market what affects unused production factors. Such situation requires creating of essential conditions and presumptions for growth of animal production export, regarding terms of strong global competition and technological development. Adoptions of quality and security systems are factors and priorities of competitiveness. It presents important role in reaching aims considering importance of international competition in introducing of global quality management. Quality management and security system of animal products presents system management approach for increasing values for consumers by creating and constant improvement of organization processes and systems. Introducing of HACCP system and good production practices as well as ISO 9001 are complex international standards related to specification of management system and process. Processors should adopt those standards in order to insure constant quality improvement as presumption for distribution of animal product to European and world market. Therefore, producers and processors in Republic of Croatia regarding quality management and security of animal products are at the beginning of this process, what requires more intensive and responsible adopting of international standards.




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Poster Section

Hogyan kell idézni

Zmaić, K., Lončarić, R., & Sudarić, T. (2006). Total quality management – penetration presumption on world market of animal products. Acta Agraria Kaposváriensis, 10(2), 263-269.