Adaptation of Slovene livestock to environment friendly animal husbandry


  • Jože Osterc
  • S. Čepin
  • Ivan Štuhec
  • J. Jurkovič


Slovenia, livestock, sustainable agriculture, legislation, practical use


Environment friendly animal production is considered as the best production due to the natural conditions in Slovenia. Small farms, on average having 5-6 hectares are the main holders of Slovene agriculture. These small scale farms are oriented to animal production, where ruminants prevail. The prescribed number of animals per hectare of land for feedstuff production regarding European and Slovene legislation enables environment friendly methods of husbandry. In Slovenia there are eight large scale pig farms that produce 2/3 off attened pigs for the market. On five smaller pig farms, slurry is applied on their own fields and on the fields of surrounding family farms. On three larger ones the slurry is separated and as concentrated organic fertiliser transported to the more distant fields. The remaining part of the slurry undergoes further processing. On one of the farms anaerobic rotting of slurry is performed, where the formation of bio-gas is used to provide electricity ’. Poultry; manure is mostly used on the fields, only a smaller part as concentrated organic fertiliser. In Slovenia we are in the process of adaptation to the legislation which is in line with EU regulations and which provides minimal animal protection requirements in livestock production.




Hogyan kell idézni

Osterc, J., Čepin, S., Štuhec, I., & Jurkovič, J. (2002). Adaptation of Slovene livestock to environment friendly animal husbandry. Acta Agraria Kaposváriensis, 6(2), 25-32.