Quality parameters of thermally treated chickens of two provenances and free range keeping


  • Alenka Rajar
  • Božidar Žlender
  • Lea Gašperlin
  • Dušan Terčič
  • Robert Vadnjal
  • Antonija Holcman


broilers, free range, meat, thermal treatment, quality parameters


The aim of the research was to study the influence of two rearing methods (free range and indoors) for chickens of two provenances on some quality parameters of thermally treated chickens. The trial involved 48 chickens (24 Ross and 24 Prelux-bro). All the birds were raised in deep litter house for the first 4 weeks. Then they were divided into 2 groups, the free range chicken group having free access to pasture ground. Both the pasture-raised and the indoor-raised groups were slaughtered at the age of 56 days. After slaughter and chilling the chickens were thermally treated at 190°C, reaching the central temperature in the breast, TS=85°C. Thawing weight loss and thermal treatment weight loss were calculated, basic chemical composition was analysed and after thermal treatment instrument-based analysis of texture and sensory parameters was performed. The results showed that the method of raising affected the instrument-measured traits of texture and the chemical composition of thermally treated muscles. Sensory quality (overall acceptance) of chicken meat was not influenced significantly by method of raising or provenance, but an influence of the part of chicken (thigh versus breast) on the most of the sensory traits was established.




Folyóirat szám


Section 3 Poultry Breeding Science

Hogyan kell idézni

Rajar, A., Žlender, B., Gašperlin, L., Terčič, D., Vadnjal, R., & Holcman, A. (1999). Quality parameters of thermally treated chickens of two provenances and free range keeping. Acta Agraria Kaposváriensis, 3(2), 185-194. https://journal.uni-mate.hu/index.php/aak/article/view/1544

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